Ditching the Sandals? Squeeze the Day! – PS Toad

Ditching the Sandals? Squeeze the Day!






What's Your Go-To for Fashion Fun?

Zest of Lemon - Squeeze the DayThis Covid shutdown has gotten to me in a big way.  Yes, thank goodness, there's Zoom.  So I know  that friends and other people are out there.  At the beginning, working from home was a novel idea, and, I know some of you have done this for years.  But, no networking over coffee?  Restaurants in some states are still partially closed.  If you're like me, for a while I wasn't even combing  my hair.  Forget makeup!  

And now, it's time to think about ditching the sandals.

Well, Winter is coming.  The school year is starting.  And, my mind wanders to socks --- Yes, while I might be in sweats, jeans, or comfy leggings, I know that when I ditch the my worn comfy sandals, I open my sock drawer.  It's an amazing vision of fun and festive.

You might know us from Bezi™ Bra Discs™, a product manufactured by Edith's, Inc.  Did you know that we also own the website www.PSToad.com?

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